Alisha Datoo From Collaborative Possibilities on Mental Health & Business

Oftentimes business and mental health are in a standoff. One takes the wheel while the other takes a back seat and that’s not very beneficial to anyone involved. As we learn and grow into who we see ourselves as, there are many potholes and roadblocks along the way. Alisha Datoo is constantly working to overcome the hurdles she faces and they lead her to a place of harmony and freedom. Things that she would have never otherwise found. 

In this video we explore all of the elements of her story and how each of those things impacts her current accomplishments. 

How has she addressed her mental health in the business world?

The practice of persistence and gratitude affords her the graceful disposition she fosters in spite of the harshness she endured in her past. There are many lessons we can take from her courageous story. The most obvious of those gifts is that life is practice. We are all practicing something and whatever we encounter along the way is meant to break our focus.

The important thing to remember is that in the face of those obstacles we must remain grounded and humble. With love and empathy we can remove the stigma’s and labels we place on things and get back to the essential purpose we set forth to accomplish. Practice, work on developing talents unique to our experience on this earth. And then use those talents to help others find their way.

You need to get out there and climb those mountains. Work on building bridges between where you are now and the tings you or your loved ones need.. Explore the unknown. Go bravely into the world and live a life worth living. when you embrace your purpose to serve others you’ll leave behind a story worth telling!

What other resources are available?

If you ever find yourself in need of resources that will bring you closer to what you want in life whether that be freedom, happiness, peace in your endeavors, look to those who have traveled the path less wandered. You should reach out to Alisha on the following platforms to connect with her!

CP Counselling Home Page
Collaborative Possibilities on Instagram
Collaborative Possibilities on Facebook
Alisha Datoo on Instagram

What can Seven Tree Do For You?

For the last decade or so we’ve been working on developing the 3x Growth Map. A curation of our combined knowledge and practice in the field have evolved into a proven strategy we call a Sustainable Content Model. It follows the 3 Pillar System for effective long term marketing. This is a method that all successful businesses use to attract new customers and grow their brand. With this strategy we have helped several other local businesses generate 3x or more qualified inbound leads in 90 days or less without gambling any time or money.

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As the world of marketing constantly evolves so does the resources so this one won’t be available forever. Grab the framework, and enjoy the new leads!